Become a member of Team Apex!

  • Memberships

    Apex Barrel Racing offers both day and annual memberships for all events, clinics and practice days. We are a stand alone club and are not affiliated with any other other Australian Associations. This means our money stays in WA, plus it gives us the flexibility to run a variety of events year round, and ensures we have the ability to make improvements to our facility and run gold class events that our members can be proud of.

    Memberships for 2024 will open in January, with an annual membership covering you through to the 31st December 2024. Annual memberships are $75 for seniors and $45 for juniors.

    Enter our Pilbara Barrel Race here!

  • Rule Book

    Our rule book is live and includes an abundance of information including qualification criteria, division info, dress code, behavioral expectations and more. We are striving to create an inclusive community that is both fun and family orientated. Our goal is to continue building a community of like minded individuals all with the same goal, to grow the sport of barrel racing!

Apex Barrel Racing Jackpot Dress Code.

If you are unsure about our dress code requirements please reach out to us!


Dress code excludes the fancy dress barrel race, however please ensure boots and helmets (under 18) are still worn.